Thursday, June 14, 2007

Lauren's Gymnastics Class

Rob has been bugging me for weeks now to take pictures at gymnastics so I finally gave in and took my camera! Unfortunately, the day that I bring a camera they don't have the rings set up! Figures, just my luck! Guess i'll have to try again next week. Lauren's class always starts out with jumping on the long trampoline. Her teacher is very creative with all these new ways of going on the trampoline, but Lauren spends most of her time running. She has a mind of her own!
They go from the trampline to the obstacle course.

Every week it is a little different but always a lot of fun! This is where she practices her sommersaults and bridges.
Then we move on to stretching time. Lauren LOVES stretching!!! Okay, so she can't stand it. She does her butterflys then is done. She spends most of stretching time dancing like a ballerina. Like I said, she has a mind of her own!!
After stretching we have free time. This is when they have the rings and uneven bars open. Today, Lauren did the uneven bars. She did a lot better today. She walked all the way across it by herself and then swung down.

Then her teacher helped her walk up the wall into a pull up. Then she did a little flip but I didn't catch that on camera.
During this time Lauren also likes to jump into the great sea of giant foam blocks. So much fun for the kids!!
Class ends with Parachute time. Lauren loves it when all the kids sit on top of it and the parents walk in a circle. She calls it ring around the rosies.
They get a chance to sit under it, jump around and then everyone including the parents goes underneath it, holding it tight to make a tent. This is when the parents help the kids to sit ups :). Lauren does about 2 before getting distracted.
Class ends by taking a train ride to the front of the room where they all line up on the yellow line to get a sticker.
Lauren was very excited today because her sticker was Little Mermaid. What a fun class!! Hopefully next week i'll be able to put a picture up of her swinging on the rings by herself. She really is very cute as she yells, "i'm wonderwoman!"


me said...

Those pictures are wonderful! She is getting to be such a big girl ... an independent woman! She looks beautiful!

Judy said...

A natural gymnast!