Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Poor Robbie!

Robbie took a fall while at summer camp yesterday. Poor kid left camp crying and I didn't believe that anything was wrong besides a big bump. I took him home to wait until Rob got home from work. Rob felt that we needed to take him to the hospital and sure enough, it was broken. The admitted him last night and kept him overnight. They originally planned surgery to put pins to hold it together but luckily decided that was not needed. He was a very brave boy! I wish that I could have been with him at the hospital more but he was very happy to have his daddy there with him.


alliatwood said...

I'm so glad he didn't end up needing surgery!! Give hime big hugs and kisses from us!

Anonymous said...

what happened to this cute little boy?

Amy said...

Poor Guy! Melissa he is so cute. What a little trooper!