Sunday, July 19, 2009

Benjamin - Product Review

You might remember awhile ago, I did a "beary cute" post with Benjamin in a brown diaper cover and cute little diaper ear hat. You can see it here: .

I got this item from a very talented lady on etsy. By the way. I love etsy. I may soon get quite addicted to etsy because there are many talented people on there. If you haven't tried it, you should!

I ordered this item from a lady on etsy so I could take some pictures of Benjamin. I must say, it looked very cute on him. The lady then asked if she could send me another set to get my opinion on some changes she wanted to make. How could I refuse? She sent me this adorable Panda set. I must say, I approve!! She is so talented! They looked adorable on him. Not only does she sell these cute bear sets, but many other adorable sets! If you want to check them out you can see them here:

Enjoy the pictures. I just discovered that my camera can take black and white pictures so I was playing around with different styles.

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