Saturday, May 2, 2009

Striped Pajamas

I'm not quite sure what it is about these striped pajamas. Maybe its the colors. They just make me smile. They make me happy. Or maybe its the cute face that comes with the pj's. That face makes me smile, too. I find something that inspires me, or that I really like, and I can't help but pull out my camera. My poor kids. Always being followed by a camera. Although, really, its not my fault. It's theirs. If they weren't so cute, and wouldn't do so many cute things, I wouldn't feel the need to follow them with a camera! :)

So, I finally got a shot of Benjamin sitting up! Normally, I grab the camera and he wants to reach for it and topples right over. He is still learning, but he is getting there. I can't believe how quickly he is growing up.

He is 7 months now. I took him in this week for a doctors appointment. I was quite surprised. I was expecting the doctor to say that he was 75% or higher for weight. Nope. My little chunky bundle of goodness is only 25% for height and weight! He is a cutie!

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